Saturday, March 24, 2012

Day 85 - Fortress Walls - 281 to go

Who's a silly duffer then - I've just realised that a Leap Year has 366 days, not 365 so now we still have 281 photos of France to go.

Opposite yesterday's bridges are the walls
of a long ago destroyed fortress.
It's foundations used for a more recent building,
but signs of it's inner stone stairways remain.
Don't you wish these walls could speak,
and tell tales of past feasts, battles and castle life?


Ray said...

Recently found your blog and have worked my way through and I'm now up to date.We started visiting France in 2006 as well and we've been back every year since so this June will be our 7th visit. We always stick to Brittany though and have rented cottages in all three of it's departments but we would like see more of the Country so your photo's help give us an idea of other parts. By the way you are also a day ahead of yourself as day 62 has gone missing although all the dates tally. Looking forward to seeing the next 281.

Leon Sims said...

Ray - thanks for popping in and as you can see my math is very average.
Come and see us at "Melbourne our home by the bay" with Wednesdays in France for our travels.
Do you also have a blog?